Disclaimer (eSign.Network)

Content Ownership

The content of this website refers to the intellectual property of eSign.Network. Any use of our content by users, applicants, subscribers, or other parties without explicit authorization is prohibited. This includes modification, reproduction, distribution, commercial exploitation, or display of content without written permission from eSign.Network.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

eSign.Network reserves all rights to protect its intellectual property, including but not limited to text, videos, graphics, logos, images, audio clips, trademarks, service marks, newsletters, magazines, domain names, designs, and software. All content on this website is protected by the Indian Intellectual Property Laws.

Usage Restriction

Systematic compilation, collection, arrangement, or reorganization of content without permission from eSign.Network is not allowed. Content must not be reconstructed, edited, or adulterated in a manner that conveys false information about eSign.Network. However, personal, non-commercial downloading or copying of content is permitted, provided copyright and proprietary notices are retained.

Any information, article, or post taken from another source and published on our website will be properly attributed unless exclusive rights are provided by the individual or entity holding the Intellectual Property Rights.

Similar Trademarks and Service Marks

eSign.Network does not provide any authority to use the company logos, domains, taglines, trademarks, taglines, and others. Any use of eSign.Network's service marks without explicit consent are deemed illegitimate. Unauthorized entities are not permitted to represent our brand or utilize our symbols.


To enhance user experience on eSign.Network, we may utilize cookies to store information from your device with your consent. Cookies help us to analyze your needs and personalize the content to render the best service. We can statistically manage the data according to the cookies we store from your computer browser. Users have the option to deny access or opt out of cookies through the download or request page.

Legal Disclaimer

eSign.Network stands as an independent entity and is not responsible for the content of any other site or page linked to the official website. We do not endorse, promote, or are liable for any non-eSign.Network website or entity that is mentioned on our website. Users should use their discernment before taking action.

Change in Policy

We may change our terms and conditions from time to time as per the requirements. We may change the contents of our official website without declaring any prior information of change according to any update in the government policies. Users should check the CPS of the company frequently.

Limitation of Warranties

eSign.Network makes no other warranties other than those expressly stated in this CPS. We do not warrant any loss, damage, or consequences arising out of compromised private keys, which are not expressly brought to the attention of eSign.Network by the Subscribers.

eSign.Network and all the members of the company including directors of the company, employees, agents, representatives, or any authorized entity shall not be responsible and liable for eSign.Network services for any direct, indirect, miscellaneous, consequential, remote loss/damage of any kind including but not limited to loss of data, loss of goodwill, loss of profit, loss of business, loss of opportunities, loss of reputation, etc., caused by whatever acts / omissions/failures/defaults/negligence, etc., of eSign.Network including its directors, employees, agents, representatives, etc.

Limitation on Liability

eSign.Network does not hold any liability for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, or for any loss of information, analytical data, or other indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising from or in connection with its services. Except as expressly provided in this CPS, eSign.Network disclaims all other warranties and obligations of any type, including any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranty of the accuracy of information provided.


You can defend, indemnify and hold harmless eSign.Network and its affiliates, partners, employees, contractors, directors, service providers, service operators, and representatives from all claims, detriments, losses, liabilities, and other expenses that may occur due to your access and usage of the service or any misuse/harm.