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Select your document and set it where you want to sign. Preview how it will look and choose one of the verification methods for eSigning (like with Capricorn eKYC or Aadhaar OTP). Lastly, follow the steps to complete the process.
You can electronically sign many types of documents, such as sales contracts, employment contracts, real estate, and rental agreements. This makes the process fast and convenient for everyone involved.
Yes, you can invite several people to sign documents online at the same time. This makes it easier for everyone involved and helps speed up the approval process.
Your signed and pending documents are in the "Document" section of the menu. Click there, and you'll see all of them easily. You can also upload new documents if you need to manage the paperwork quickly.
Yes, you can enable TOTP for extra security. Just click on the “Enable Now” option in your account, fill in the required details, and submit for success.
To do this, click on the "Organisation" section in the menu bar. Then, select "Add Organisation” and fill in all your company details. Your request will be pending until approved by the admin. After that, upload documents related to your organisation.